Tuesday, August 3, 2010

After the war and the Birth of Athena.

After the war between Olympians and Tiatns, the evil Tiatns were either severly punished or thrown into Tartarus. Atlas was punished by holding up the sky. Kronos was thrown into Tartarus. Prometheus fought on the side of the Olympians. However, when he gave humans fire, he was severly punished by Zeus. He was chained to a rock and every day, his liver was ripped out by an eagle and every night it grew back. Thus he suffered the punishment and pain over and over again. Zeus, Poseidon and Hades drew lots as to who got what.Zeus was given the sky, which is the most and he was crowned King of Gods. He married his sister Hera, the Queen of Gods. Poseidon got the second best thing, the sea. Hades was given the worst. The earth and its resources and was crowned King of Underworld. He kidnapped Persephone and made her his wife.

Zeus and Demeter had a daughter, Persephone. This is her second name as it was changed. Poseidon created horses to impress Demeter. When he finally perfected the horse, he lost interest in her.

Zeus began to have his famous affairs.

He married Metis before Hera. When she was pregnant, the Oracle Gaia predicted she would bear him a daughter and then a son which could overthrow him. He swallowed her and eventually developed a headache. His son by Hera, Hrmes, suggested splitting his head open. This was done and out sprung Athena, fully grown and in battle armour.

Athena is the goddess of Wisdom, Handicrafts and Battle Strategy. Her symbol is the owl and olive tree. She is the Patron goddess of Athens.