Sunday, July 25, 2010

The end of the Golden age/Saturnisation.

Gaia was the land also known as Mother Nature. She mated with Ouaranos and from there came the fearful and brutal race of the Titans. the name of their rule was the Golden Age. They treated humans like animals using them as appetizers or a from of cheap entertainment.

Together they had many children. Some were ocean titans and others were titans of the World. They also bred many monsters like the one-eyes cyclopes,the thunderer and the lightning. After them came the hundred handed sons: Hecatonchires with their fifty heads each. Later still came the Erinyes (Furies), the ash-tree nymphs and the Giants. She also gave birth to Echidna, mother of monsters and Nereus the old sea-man. Their youngest child was the titan Kronos, he was wily and the most terrible of their children. He hated his father Ouaranos more than anyone, so he cut him into little pieces and scattered them over the earth. From the private area of Ouaranos that were thrown into th sea sprang Aphrodite.

Kronos married Rhea and with her had six children: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Hestia and Demeter.
Kronos feared his children would overthrow him and claim the throne so he swallowed them. Rhea, fond of baby Zeus, hid him and instead gave Kronos a rock to eat. Since these beings were immortal, they continued to grow in the stomach of their father.

Later on, Zeus declared war against the cruel Titans. He managed to get his father to regurgitate his brothers and sisters and they then cut up Kronos with his own scythe and threw him in the deepest pits of hell: Tartarus.

These six children were known as the Olympians. They would later free the humans and bring about the Western Age or Westernization.

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